140 Chapter 7
Recovering from failures
System hangs
System hangs
System hangs are characterized by users unable to access the system,
although the LCD display and attention light may not indicate a problem
exists. The system console may or may not be hung.
Use the following procedure to troubleshoot a system hang:
Step 1. Press
Enter at a terminal several times and wait for a response.
Step 2. Press
Ctrl-C at a terminal to abort an executing command.
Step 3. Check another terminal to verify that the problem is not just a console
Step 4. At the console window of the SSP, use one or both of the following
utilities to communicate with the server:
• ping
• telnet
• rlogin
See the ping, telnet, and rlogin man pages for more information
about options and usage.
Step 5. If possible, wait about 15 minutes to see if the computer is really hung or
if it has a performance problem. With some performance problems, a
computer may not respond to user input for 15 minutes or longer.
Step 6. If the computer is really hung, reset the server by issuing a do_reset
command from the console window of the SSP. See “Resetting the V2500/
V2600 server hardware” on page 134.
Step 7. Save the core dump file and contact the HP Response Center to have the
core dump file analyzed. Refer to the service contract for the phone
number of the Hewlett-Packard Response Center. See “Fast dump” on
page 147 for more information.