Chapter 7 139
Recovering from failures
Performance problems
Performance problems
Performance problems are generally perceived as:
• Sluggish response at the operating system prompt
• Slow program execution
• Some users/programs unable to get a response
Use the following procedure to troubleshoot a performance problem:
Step 1. At the console window of the SSP, use one or both of the following
commands to check for active processes making heavy use of system
• ps
• top
See Managing Systems and Workgroups and the ps and top man pages
for more information about options and usage.
Step 2. Enter a
Ctrl-C from the terminal exhibiting the problem to abort an
executing command.
Step 3. Check another terminal to verify that the problem is not just a console
Step 4. Contact the Hewlett-Packard Customer Response Center.
HP-UX kernel configuration can affect performance. Refer to
“Configuring HP-UX for V-Class Servers” on page 120. For more detailed
information refer to HP-UX 11.0 Configurable Kernel Parameters and HP
V-Class Server HP-UX Configuration Notes available at the following
web site: