66 Chapter 4
Firmware (OBP and PDC)
HP mode boot menu
PAth [PRI|ALT|CON] [path] Displays or sets primary, alternate, console, and
keyboard hardware paths. Keyboard path cannot
be modified.
PDT [CLEAR|DEBUG] Displays or clears Page Deallocation Table (PDT)
information. For use by service personnel only.
PIM_info [cpu#]
Displays Processor Internal Memory (PIM)
information for current or any CPU.
RemoteCommand node# command Executes the specified command on the remote
node identified by node number.
RESET [hard|debug] Resets the system state.
RESTrict [ON|OFF] Displays or sets restricted access to Forth mode.
SCSI [INIT|RATE] [bus slot
Displays or sets SCSI controller initiator ID or
transfer rate.
SEArch [path] Displays pathnames for devices with bootable
media in the system.
SECure [ON|OFF] Displays or sets secure boot mode. If secure mode
is set, the boot process cannot be interrupted.
Only useful if autoboot is on; the system will
autosearch and autoboot.
TIme [cn:yr:mo:dy:hr:mn[:ss]] Displays or sets the realtime clock.
VErsion Displays the internal firmware versions.
Command Description