
SRM Console A-19
A.4.5 Show Memory
The show memory command displays information about each memory
bank: slot number, size in megabytes, and the starting address.
Syntax: show memory
Example A– 5 Show Memory Command
P00>>> show memory
Array # Size Base Addr
------- ---------- ---------
0 1024 MB 000000000
Total Bad Pages = 0
Total Good Memory = 1024 MBytes
A.4.6 Show PAL
The show pal command displays the versions of Tru64 UNIX PALcode.
PALcode is the Alpha Privileged Architecture Library code, written to
support Alpha processors. It implements architecturally defined
processor behavior.
Syntax: show pal
Example A– 6 Show PAL Command
>>> show pal
PAL OpenVMS PALcode V1.90-71, Tru64 UNIX PALcode V1.86-68