
SRM Console A-43
A.18 Initializing the System
The initialize command resets the system and executes power-up tests.
Syntax: initialize
After self-tests are executed, the system autoboots unless:
A halt assertion condition exists –or–
The auto_action environment variable is set to halt.
If the auto_action environment variable is set to boot or restart and no halt
assertion condition exists, the system autoboots. In all other cases, the system
stops in console mode and does not attempt to boot.
Example A25 Initialize Command
P00>>> init
Initializing...1024 Meg of system memory
initializing GCT/FRU at 1e0000
Testing the System
Testing the Memory
Testing ei* devices.
hp AlphaServer DS20L 833 MHz Console V5.9-16, 16-OCT-2001 15:38:57