
SRM Console A-23
A.5 Creating a Power-Up Script
A special nonvolatile file named “nvram” is stored in EEROM, and is
always invoked during the power-up sequence. You can create an nvram
script to include any commands you want the system to execute at power-
up. You alter, create, and edit the nvram script using the SRM edit
command. With edit, lines can be added, overwritten, or deleted.
Syntax: edit file
where file is the name of the file to be edited.
The editing commands are:
Displays the brief help file.
Lists the current file prefixed with line numbers.
Renumbers the lines of the file in increments of 10.
Leaves the editor and closes the file, saving all changes.
Leaves the editor and closes the file without saving changes.
Deletes line number nn.
Nn text
Adds or overwrites line number nn with text.
NOTE: It is possible to disable the system by editing the nvram script. For
example, if you include the initialize command in the script, the system
will go into an endless loop. To fix this, press the Halt button while the
system is powering up. You can then edit the script to delete the offending
Example A9 shows how to modify the user-created power-up script, “nvram.” The
pound sign (#) indicates explanatory comments. In this example the script is
edited to include a command that allows you to boot the Tru64 UNIX operating
system over the network.