
A-40 AlphaServer DS20L User’s Guide
Symbolic forms can be used for the address. They are:
The program counter. The address space is set to GPR.
The location immediately following the last location referenced in a
deposit or examine command. For physical and virtual memory,
the referenced location is the last location plus the size of the
reference (1 for byte, 2 for word, 4 for longword). For other address
spaces, the address is the last referenced address plus 1.
The location immediately preceding the last location referenced in a
deposit or examine command. Memory and other address spaces
are handled as above.
* The last location referenced in a deposit or examine command.
@ The location addressed by the last location referenced in a deposit
or examine command.
The deposit command stores data in the location specified. If no options are given
with a deposit command, the system uses the options from the preceding deposit
If the specified value is too large to fit in the data size listed, the console ignores
the command and issues an error response. If the data is smaller than the data
size, the higher order bits are filled with zeros. The syntax is shown below.
The examine command displays the contents of a memory location, a register, or
a device.
If no options are given with an examine command, the system uses the options
from the preceding examine command. If conflicting address space or data sizes
are specified, the console ignores the command and issues an error.
For data lengths longer than a longword, each longword of data should be
separated by a space.