
SRM Console A-49
A.20.5 com1_baud
The default baud rate for the system is 9600. The upper limit is 115200.
With the com1_baud environment variable, you can set the baud rate to
match that of the device connected to the port.
Syntax: set com1_baud baud_value
where baud_value is the new baud rate. A list of possible values is displayed by
attempting to set this environment variable to an unacceptable value (for example,
set com2_baud xxx).
You will be asked to confirm the change, as shown in Example A–27.
Example A27 Changing Baud Rate
>>> set com1_baud 19200
Embedded Remote Console only supports 9600 baud. Continue? (Y/[N]) n
bad value - com1_baud not modified