
Operation 3-13
The show boot command displays the current default boot device.
The show device command displays device information, including
name and type of connection to the system.
The operating system is on this device. The name of this device, dkb0,
is used as an argument to the boot command.
This command loads Tru64 UNIX from the disk dkb0, using the boot
file vmunix and autobooting to multiuser mode.
The boot command accepts the name of a boot device, a boot file
name through the -file option, and boot flags through the -flags
option. The environment variables bootdef_dev, boot_file, and
boot_osflags can also be used to specify the default boot device or
device list, the default boot file, and flag information. When an option
and the corresponding environment variable are both in a command
string, the option overrides the environment variable. The value of
the environment variable, however, is not changed.
The operating system banner displays.