
Operation 3-17
Loading installation process and scanning system hardware.
Welcome to the UNIX Installation Procedure
This procedure installs UNIX onto your system. You will be asked a
series of system configuration questions. Until you answer all
questions, your system is not changed in any way.
During the question and answer session, you can go back to any
previous question and change your answer by entering: history
You can get more information about a question by entering: help
There are two types of installations:
o The Default Installation installs a mandatory set of
software subsets on a predetermined file system layout.
o The Custom Installation installs a mandatory set of
software subsets plus optional software subsets that you
select. You can customize the file system layout.
The UNIX Shell option puts your system in single-user mode with
superuser privileges. This option is provided for experienced UNIX
system administrators who want to perform file system or disk
maintenance tasks before the installation.
The Installation Guide contains more information about installing
1) Default Installation
2) Custom Installation
3) UNIX Shell
Enter your choice:
1. Boot the operating system from the CD-ROM drive connected to the system.
2. Follow the UNIX installation procedure that is displayed after the
installation process is loaded.
A text-based installation procedure is displayed, as shown in Example 3–4.
Enter the choices appropriate for your system.
See the Tru64 UNIX Installation Guide for complete installation instructions.