Outside Dialing Allowed
When an extension is allowed access to an outside line, several dialing restric-
tions can apply. First, regardless of other restrictions, some types of calls are
always allowed. Second, you can restrict dialing after normal business hours
through Night Service. Finally, you can limit dialing through Allowed Phone
Number Lists, Disallowed Phone Number Lists, and outgoing Call Restrictions.
Calls Always Allowed
Three types of calls are always allowed:
Night Service
Limited Outside
#406-Emergency Phone Numbers. A number on the Emergency List is
always allowed.
Marked System Speed Dial Numbers.
System Speed Dial Numbers pro-
grammed with a star (*) are always allowed. Unmarked System Speed Dial
Numbers are allowed only if they meet the other restrictions listed in the fol-
lowing two sections.
#403-System Password Entered Before Dialing. Phone numbers dialed
after entering the system password are always allowed.
There are two types of Night Service: without the system password and with the
system password. Night Service without a password has no additional effect on
dialing restrictions. Night Service with a password places additional dialing res-
trictions on the members of the Night Service Group. Use procedures #503
(Night Service Button) and #504 (Night Service Group) to program Night Ser-
vice. Use procedure #403 (System Password) to assign a password.
When Night Service with a password is on, extensions in the Night Service .
Group are prevented from dialing all numbers except:
Emergency Numbers
Marked System Speed Dial Numbers
Phone numbers dialed after entering the System Password.
During normal operation or when Night Service is on without a password, dialing
can be restricted by these additional procedures:
#407 and #408 Allowed Phone Number Lists. A user can dial a number
on an Allowed Phone Number List assigned to the extension. Allowed Phone
Number Lists override Disallowed Phone Number Lists (#404) and Outgoing
Call Restrictions (#401) but not Night Service with a password.
#404 and #405-Disallowed Phone Number Lists. A user cannot dial a
number on a Disallowed Phone Number List assigned to the extension,
unless it is an Allowed Phone number, an Emergency Phone number, or a
Marked System Speed Dial number.
B-2 Dialing Restrictions Summary