Copyright ©2001 Liberty Group
Atlas & Yukon Second Stage
Reassembly Procedures
Reassembly Procedures
s e c t i o n
s e c t i o n
General Guidelines
Refer to the schematic parts list, that highlights automatic
replacement parts (ARP) which should be discarded and
replaced with new during reassembly. ARP parts are
provided in the Annual Service Kit.
Before performing any reassembly, it is important to
individually inspect all parts, both new and those that are
being reused, to ensure that each part and component is
perfectly clean and free of any dust, decay, or blemishes.
Prior to dressing, inspect all O-rings with magnification to
ensure they are supple, clean, and completely free of any
scoring or decay that would impair proper sealing.
Genesis recommends Christo-Lube
MCG-11 (PN MS150)
to be used exclusively for the lubrication and dressing of
O-rings and other internal parts. Christo-Lube
superior lubrication to that of silicone grease, especially in
high pressure (DIN) systems greater than 3,000 psi, and
extreme temperature conditions. It is also non-reactive to
oxygen, and is approved for use with EAN/Nitrox.
CAUTION: Silicone grease is not compatible with oxygen
enriched air, and must be strictly avoided when servicing a
regulator that will be used with EAN/ Nitrox. The entire regu-
lator will otherwise become contaminated, and rendered
unsafe for use with any mixture of oxygen enriched air.
Dress all O-rings with a visible film of Christo-Lube, but
avoid applying excessive amounts, as this may attract
particulate matter that can cause accelerated wear or
damage to the O-ring.
CAUTION: The use of aerosol spray or petroleum based
lubricants must be strictly avoided. The propellant gas or
petroleum base may attack or weaken plastic or rubber parts.
If the regulator has been serviced or upgraded for use with
EAN/Nitrox, it is important to don powderless latex gloves
before handling any parts, including O-rings, in order to
avoid contaminating the parts with skin oil.