Copyright ©2001 Liberty Group
Service & Repair Manual
▼ A properly serviced and adjusted regulator should deliver
air upon deep inhalation without excessive inhalation
effort, freeflow, or vibration. When exhaling, there should
be no resistance or sticking of the exhalation valve. If any
of these problems occur, refer to
Table 2 - Troubleshooting
Flowbench Testing (optional)
The Subjective Breathing Test, combined with the Intermedi-
ate Pressure Test, will sufficiently verify the regulator's perfor-
mance in most circumstances. As an additional test, a
Magnahelic flowbench can be used to verify the opening
effort, which should not exceed 1.5 – 2.0 column inches H
External Leak Test
After first stage reassembly and final adjustment of the
second stage has been completed, submerge the entire regula-
tor in a test tank of clean water while pressurized with 2,500-
3000 psi. Observe any bubbles arising from the submerged
regulator over a one minute period. The recommended time is
necessary due to slower bubble formation that occurs in smaller
leaks. Disassemble the regulator at the source of the leak to
check sealing surfaces, assembly sequence and component
positioning in order to correct the problem(s).
NOTE: The location of extremely small leaks can best be
detected by applying a soap solution to the leak area. Be-
fore disassembling to correct any leaks, rinse the entire regu-
lator thoroughly with fresh water and blow out all residual
moisture with filtered, low-pressure (25 psi) test gas. Refer
Table 2 - Troubleshooting.
▼ When the second stage has been adjusted and tested
according to the prescribed procedures, close the cylinder
valve completely, and purge the second stage to depressur-
ize the system. Loosen the yoke screw to remove the first
stage from the cylinder, and seal the dust cap over the inlet
fitting. Disinfect the mouthpiece, and dry the regulator
completely with a clean towel.
This completes the overhaul service procedures for the
Atlas/Yukon Second Stage Regulator