Intel Server RAID Controller U3-1 (SRCU31) 11
Quick Start Guide
Intel Integrated RAID Setup Splash Screen
b. Click on the Setup button. See the figure above. The RAID Software
Suite setup program starts.
c. Complete the installation using the default selections
Windows 2000 (only): A “Digital Signature Not Found” message
box may pop up during the installation. If this occurs, click “Yes” to
continue the installation.
d. When setup is complete a message will pop up indicating that a reboot
is necessary and give a choice to “reboot now” or “reboot later”.
e. Remove the CD-ROM from the CD ROM drive and select “reboot
now”. The system MUST be rebooted immediately after installation
of the RAID Software Suite.
f. Windows 2000 (only): After the system reboots a message will pop
up indicating that a new device has been found and that the
“I2Odisk.sys” driver has been started. This is the device driver for the
RAID volume itself. The message will prompt for a reboot. Reboot
the system to complete the installation.
Refer to the user’s manual for information on HP Openview and RAID
Monitor, SNMP, DMI components or remote storage console. Also see the
user’s manual for instructions on customizing your RAID volumes using
Storage Console.