Planar 020-1229-03A Life Jacket User Manual

RS232 Commands
Planar UltraRes User Manual 102
RS232 Commands
The RS232 connection must use the following settings:
19200 baud rate
8 data bits
1 stop bit
No parity bit
No HW (RTS/CTS) or SW (XON/XOFF) flow control
RS232 Command Format
Commands sent from the initiator to the follower must have the following format:
(www:xyz) [CR]
‘(‘ and ‘)’ indicate the start and end of the command data. If these characters are
present, the display processor shall assume that “valid” display data is present
in the command string. If these characters are not present in the command, the
display processor shall assume the data is not valid display data and ignore it.
“www” indicates the command code. This field is case insensitive (i.e. “PWR”,
“pwr” and “PwR” should all be treated as “PWR”).
“:x” is the destination parameter. This is an optional parameter that indicates
which memory the command is referencing. This parameter is reserved and
shall not be used at this time.
“y” is the operand, which can have one of the following values:
‘?’ = “Get” operand
‘=’ = “Set” operand
‘+’ = “Increment” operand (not supported on UltraRes)
‘-‘ = “Decrement” operand (not supported on UltraRes)
“z” is the value to set for this parameter. It can have one of two formats:
Integer value: Any positive or negative number (example: 100)
String value: Any string surrounded by double quotes (example: “This is a
“[CR]” is the ASCII carriage return key (0x0D).