7.3. Repetitive dive planning
The Suunto HelO
includes a dive planner thatallows you to review the no-decompression
limits on a subsequent dive, taking the residual nitrogen loading of previous dives into
consideration. The dive plan mode is not meant for technical dive planning which the
Suunto Dive Planner PC software is meant for. However, the dive plan mode can be used
to plan short recreational dives.
The PC softwaretakes the residual inert gasof the previous dives intoconsideration when
the dive profile is downloaded from the dive computer. It is also possible to check how the
planned air consumption corresponded to the actual air consumption. The Dive Planning
mode is explained in Section 7.5.1. Dive Planning mode (PLANnodec).
7.4. Flying after diving
In DIVE mode, the no-fly time is shown in the center window next to the airplane image.
In TIME mode, the airplane image is shown in the top left corner.The no-fly time and the
surface time are shown inTIME mode as well. Flying or traveling toa higher altitude should
be avoided at any time when the computer is counting down the no-fly time.
The no-fly time is alwaysat least 12 hours, or equivalent tothe so-called desaturation time
(if longer than 12 hours). For desaturation times lower than 70 minutes, no no-fly time is
In the Permanent Error mode and GAUGE mode, the no-fly time is 48 hours.
The Divers Alert Network (DAN) recommends the following on no-fly times:
A minimum surface interval of 12 hours would be required in order to be reasonably
assured a diver willremain symptom free upon ascent toaltitude in a commercial jetliner
(altitude up to 2,400 m/8,000 ft)
Divers who plan tomake daily, multiple dives for severaldays, or make dives thatrequire
decompression stops, should takespecial precautions and wait for anextended interval
beyond 12 hours before a flight.Further, the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society
(UHMS) suggests divers using standard air cylinders and exhibiting no symptoms of
decompression illness wait 24 hours after their last dive to fly in an aircraft with cabin
pressure up to 2,400 m/8,000 ft. The only two exceptions to this recommendation are:
If a diver has less than 2 hours total accumulated dive time in the last 48 hours, a
12 hour surface interval before flying is recommended
Following any dive that required a decompression stop, flying should be delayed
for at least 24 hours, and if possible, for 48 hours
Suunto recommends that flying is avoided until all the DAN and UHMS guidelines, as
well as the dive computer’s no-fly conditions, are satisfied
7.5. PLAN mode
The PLAN mode includes a dive planner (PLANnodec).
7.5.1. Dive Planning mode (PLANnodec)
The Dive Planning mode displays no-decompression times for a new dive, taking into ac-
count the effects of previous dives. No-decompression times are calculated by using the
bottom gas.
When entering the PLANnodec mode, the display first briefly shows the remaining desat-
uration time and no-decompression time at the depth of 9 m/30 ft before going into plan