config lacp_ports
Purpose Used to configure settings for LACP compliant ports.
config lacp_ports <portlist> mode [active | passive]
Description This command is used to configure ports that have been previously
designated as LACP ports (see create link_aggregation).
<portlist> − Specifies a port or range of ports to be configured.
mode – Select the mode to determine if LACP ports will process
LACP control frames.
active – Active LACP ports are capable of processing and sending
LACP control frames. This allows LACP compliant devices to
negotiate the aggregated link so the group may be changed
dynamically as needs require. In order to utilize the ability to change
an aggregated port group, that is, to add or subtract ports from the
group, at least one of the participating devices must designate
LACP ports as active. Both devices must support LACP.
passive – LACP ports that are designated as passive cannot
process LACP control frames. In order to allow the linked port group
to negotiate adjustments and make changes dynamically, at one
end of the connection must have “active” LACP ports (see above).
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure LACP port mode settings:
DES-3550:4#config lacp_port 1-12 mode active
Command: config lacp_port 1-12 mode active
show lacp_port
Purpose Used to display current LACP port mode settings.
show lacp_port {<portlist>}
Description This command will display the LACP mode settings as they are
currently configured.
Parameters <portlist> - Specifies a port or range of ports to be configured.
If no parameter is specified, the system will display the current LACP
status for all ports.
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: