
config access_profile
profile will apply to only packets with this destination IP
dscp <value 0-63>
Specifies that the access profile will apply
only to packets that have this value in their Type-of-Service
(DiffServ code point, DSCP) field in their IP packet header.
priority <value 0-7> Specifies that the access profile will
apply to packets that contain this value in their 802.1p priority
field of their header.
dscp <value 0-63> Allows you to specify a value to be written
to the DSCP field of an incoming packet.
icmp Specifies that the switch will examine the Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP) field within each packet.
type <value 0-65535>
Specifies that the access profile will
apply to this ICMP type value.
code <value 0-255> Specifies that the access profile will
apply to this ICMP code.
igmp Specifies that the switch will examine the Internet
Group Management Protocol (IGMP) field within each packet.
type <value 0-255> Specifies that the access profile will
apply to packets that have this IGMP type value.
tcp Specifies that the switch will examine the Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) field within each packet.
src_port <value 0-65535> Specifies that the access profile
will apply only to packets that have this TCP source port in
their TCP header.
dst_port <value 0-65535> Specifies that the access profile
will apply only to packets that have this TCP destination port in
their TCP header.
flag_mask – Enter the type of TCP flag to be masked. The
choices are:
all: all flags are selected.
urg: TCP control flag (urgent)
ack: TCP control flag (acknowledgement)
psh: TCP control flag (push)
rst: TCP control flag (reset)
syn: TCP control flag (synchronize)
fin: TCP control flag (finish)
udp Specifies that the switch will examine the Universal