show traffic control
Purpose Used to display current traffic control settings.
show traffic control {group_list <storm_grouplist>}
Description This command displays the current storm traffic control configuration
on the switch.
group_list <storm_grouplist> − Used to specify a broadcast storm
control group. This is specified by entering the syntax unit_id.
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To display traffic control setting:
DES-3550:4#show traffic control
Command: show traffic control
Traffic Control
Broadcast Multicast
Module Group [ports] Threshold Storm Storm Lookup
------ ------------- --------- --------- --------- --------
1 1 [1-8] 128 Disabled Disabled Disabled
1 2 [9-16] 128 Disabled Disabled Disabled
1 3 [17-24] 128 Disabled Disabled Disabled
1 4 [25-32] 128 Disabled Disabled Disabled
1 5 [33-40] 128 Disabled Disabled Disabled
1 6 [41-48] 128 Disabled Disabled Disabled
1 7 [49] 128 Disabled Disabled Disabled
1 8 [50] 128 Disabled Disabled Disabled
Total Entries: 8