enable authen_policy
Purpose Used to enable system access authentication policy.
enable authen_policy
Description This command will enable an administrator-defined authentication
policy for users trying to access the switch. When enabled, the
device will check the method list and choose a technique for user
authentication upon login.
Parameters None.
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To enable the system access authentication policy:
DES-3550:4#enable authen_policy
Command: enable authen_policy
disable authen_policy
Purpose Used to disable system access authentication policy.
disable authen_policy
Description This command will disable the administrator-defined authentication
policy for users trying to access the switch. When disabled, the
switch will access the local user account database for username and
password verification. In addition, the switch will now accept the
local enable password as the authentication for normal users
attempting to access administrator level priveledges.
Parameters None.
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To disable the system access authentication policy:
DES-3550:4#disable authen_policy
Command: disable authen_policy