DGS-3100 Series Gigabit Stackable Managed Switch CLI Manual
The Port Mirroring commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate
parameters) in the following table.
Command Parameter
config mirror target <port> source <port> direction [ingress | egress | both]
delete mirror target <port> source <port>
show mirror
Each command is listed in detail, as follows:
config mirror
Purpose To configure a mirror port − source port pair on the Switch.
config mirror target <port> source <port> direction [ingress |
egress | both]
Description The config mirror command allows a port to have all of its traffic
also sent to a designated port, where a network sniffer or other
device can monitor the network traffic. In addition, one can specify
that only traffic received by or sent by one or both is mirrored to the
target port.
Parameters target <port> − Specifies the port that mirrors traffic forwarding.
source <port> – Specifies the port or ports being mirrored. This
cannot include the target port.
ingress – Allows mirroring of packets received by (flowing into) the
source port.
egress – Allows mirroring of packets sent to (flowing out of) the
source port.
both – Allows mirroring of all the packets received or sent by the
source port.
Comment: The user can define up to 8 source ports and one
destination port. One source port can be configured each time using
one CLI command, So in order to configure multiple source ports,
multiple CLI commands should be used.
Restrictions A target port cannot be listed as a source port. Only Administrator or
operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To add the mirroring ports:
DGS3100# config mirror source 1 target port 2 direction ingress