
DGS-3100 Series Gigabit Stackable Managed Switch CLI Manual
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WORD<1-32> input vlan name
config mld_snooping mrouter_port
Purpose To enable mld mrouter ports.
config mld_snooping mrouter_port <vlan_name 32> [add |
delete] <portlist>
Description The config mld_snooping mrouter_port command defines a port
that is connected to a multicast router port.
Parameters vlan_name 32 – specifies that the mld snooping applies only to this
previously created VLAN.
add – Adds a specified port to the mld snooping mrouter port.
delete – Deletes a specified port to the mld snooping mrouter port.
portlist – Defines the ports to be included from the mld snooping
mrouter group.
Restrictions Only administrator or operator–level users can issue this command
Separate non–consecutive Ethernet ports with a comma and no
spaces; use a hyphen to designate a range of ports. These ports are
defined as connected to a multicast router.
Example usage:
To enable mld mrouter ports:
DGS3100# config mld_snooping mrouter_port default add 1
config mld_snooping mrouter_port_forbidden
Purpose To define mld mrouter ports forbidden on the Switch.
config mld_snooping mrouter_port_forbidden <vlan_name 32>
[add | delete] <portlist>
Description The config mld_snooping mrouter_port_forbidden command
forbids a port from being defined as a multicast router port by static
configuration or by automatic learning.
Parameters vlan_name 32 – Specifies that the mld snooping applies only to this
previously created VLAN.
add – Adds a specified port to the mld snooping mrouter port.
delete – Deletes a specified port to the mld snooping mrouter port.
portlist – Defines the ports to be included from the mld snooping
mrouter group.
Restrictions Only administrator or operator–level users can issue this command.
Example usage: