DGS-3100 Series Gigabit Stackable Managed Switch CLI Manual
The Network Monitoring commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the
appropriate parameters) in the following table.
Command Parameter
show packet ports <portlist>
show error ports <portlist>
show utilization [ports | cpu]
clear counters
clear log
show log {index <value>}
enable syslog
disable syslog
show syslog
create syslog host
<index 1-4> ipaddress <ipaddr> {severity [informational | warning | all] | facility
[local0 | local1| local2 | local3 | local4 | local5 | local6 | local7] | udp_port
config syslog host
[all | <index 1-4>] {severity [informational | warning | all] | facility [local0 | local1 |
local2 | local3 | local4 | local5 | local6 | local7] | udp_port <udp_port_number> |
ipaddress <ipaddr>}
delete syslog host [<index 1-4> | all]
show syslog host {<index 1-4>}
clear green-ethernet Cumulative_Energy_Saved
show green-ethernet
Each command is listed in detail, as follows:
show packet ports
Purpose To display statistics about the packets sent and received in frames
per second by the Switch.
show packet ports <portlist>
Description The show packet ports command displays statistics about packets
sent and received by ports specified in the port list. The results are
separated into three tables, labeled A, B, and C in the window
below. Table A is relevant to the size of the packets, Table B is
relevant to the type of packets and Table C is relevant to the type of
frame associated with these packets.
Parameters <portlist> − A port or range of ports whose statistics are to be