
DGS-3100 Series Gigabit Stackable Managed Switch CLI Manual
show ssl cachetimeout
Purpose To show the SSL cache timeout.
show ssl cachetimeout
Description The show ssl cachetimeout command displays the SSL cache
timeout currently implemented on the Switch.
Parameters None.
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To view the SSL cache timeout on the Switch:
DGS3100# show ssl cachetimeout
Cache timeout is 600 seconds.
crypto certificate (generate)
Purpose To generate a self-signed HTTPS certificate
crypto certificate <number 1-2> generate {key-generate <length
512-1024>| cn <common-name 1-64>| ou <organization-unit 1-
64>| or <organization 1-64>| loc <location 1-64>| st <state 1-64>|
cu <country 1-2>| duration <days 30-3650>
Description The crypto certificate (generate) command generates a self-
signed HTTPS certificate for the device.
Default Certificate 1 generated at very first start up.
Note that for first time certificate 2 generates, there is a need in key
Parameters number — Specifies the certificate number (Range: 1 - 2).
key-generate — Regenerates the SSL RSA key.
length — Specifies the SSL RSA key length (Range: 512 - 1024).
common-name — Specifies the fully qualified URL or IP address of
the device (Range: 1 - 64).
organization — Specifies the organization name (Range: 1 - 64).
organization-unit — Specifies the organization-unit or department
name (Range: 1 - 64).
location — Specifies the location or city name (Range: 1 - 64).
state — Specifies the state or province name (Range: 1 - 64).
country — Specifies the country name (Range: 1 - 2).
days — Specifies number of days certification is valid (Range: 30 -
Restrictions Only administrator or operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To generate a self-signed HTTPS certificate:
DGS3100# crypto certificate 1 generate