DGS-3100 Series Gigabit Stackable Managed Switch CLI Manual
artup − Indicates the Startup Configuration file is to be uploaded.
running − Indicates the Running Configuration file is to be uploaded.
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
DGS3100# upload configuration 1\running—config
01–Jan–2000 01:26:11 %COPY–I–FILECPY: Files Copy – source
URL running–config destination URL tftp://\running–
…..01–Jan–2000 01:26:16 %COPY–W–TRAP: The copy operation
was completed success fully
158 bytes copied in 00:00:05 [hh:mm:ss]
config dhcp_auto enable
Purpose To automatically update the switch’s firmware and configuration files
via the web, using options 66 and 67 of the DHCP packets.
config dhcp_auto [enable | disable]
Description The config dhcp_auto enable command enables/disables Auto
update feature.
Parameters enable − Enables the Auto-Update feature.
disable − Disables the Auto-Update feature.
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To automatically update the switch’s firmware and configuration files:
DGS3100# config dhcp_auto enable
The configuration will take place on the next time the device will
get DHCP address.
show dhcp_auto
Purpose To display the current state of the auto update feature.
show dhcp_auto
Description The show dhcp_auto command displays the current state of the
auto update feature.
Parameters None.
Restrictions None.
Example usage: