
DGS-3100 Series Gigabit Stackable Managed Switch CLI Manual
delete - Specifies that ports are to be deleted from a previously
created vlan.
tagged Specifies the additional ports as tagged.
untagged Specifies the additional ports as untagged.
forbidden Specifies the additional ports as forbidden.
<portlist> A port or range of ports to be added to or deleted from
the VLAN.
<ch1-32> assigns ports to a port-channel.
<vlan_name 32> The name of the configured VLAN ID.
Restrictions Only administrator or operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To add ports 4 through 8 at device #1as tagged ports to the VLAN v2:
DGS3100# config vlan vlanid 2 add tagged 1:4-8
config gvrp
Purpose To configure GVRP on the Switch.
config gvrp [<portlist> | <ch1-32> | all] { state [enable | disable]
{ ingress_checking [enable | disable] | acceptable_frame
[tagged_only | admit_all] | pvid <vlanid 1-4094>}
Description The config gvrp command configures the Group VLAN Registration
Protocol on the Switch. The user can configure ingress checking and
acceptable frame tagged only, the sending and receiving of GVRP
information, and the Port VLAN ID (PVID).
Parameters <portlist> A port or range of ports for which to configure GVRP.
ch 1-32 configure GVRP on LAGs.
all configure GVRP on ports.
state [enable | disable] - enable and disable GVRP
ingress_checking [enable | disable] Enables or disables ingress
checking for the specified port list.
acceptable_frame [tagged_only | admit_all] – Defines the type of
frame accepted. Acceptable frames can be limited to tagged frames
only (tagged_only) or can accept tagged and untagged (admit_all).
pvid <vlanid 1-4094> – Specifies the default VLAN associated with
the port, by VLAN ID.
Restrictions Only administrator or operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To set the ingress checking status, the sending and receiving GVRP information :
DGS3100# config gvrp 1-4 state enable ingress_checking enable
acceptable_frame tagged_only pvid 2