Square Wave bolus practice
Your target pre-meal blood glucose range is ______ to _______.
Check your pre-meal blood glucose. Are you within your target? _____ If yes, continue. If no, wait to try the
following test until your pre-meal blood glucose is within your target range:
TEST: Choose a meal that is high in fat (e.g. hot dogs, pizza, cheese enchiladas). Determine your meal bolus
amount. Set the Square Wave bolus to deliver the determined amount of insulin over 2-hours. (This duration time
is an example. As always, consult with your healthcare professional for guidance.)
Check your blood glucose and record: Pre-meal ________
1 hour post meal ________
2 hours post meal ________
3 hours post meal ________
4 hours post meal ________
Did your blood glucose return to your pre-meal target within 4 hours post meal? ________
If yes, then repeat this test with the same meal on another day to verify your results.
If no, discuss this with your healthcare professional for guidance.
90 Optimizing pump therapy