cells, and is carried to each cell
through the blood stream. Cells
cannot use glucose without the
help of insulin.
Bolus - A dose of insulin given to
cover an expected rise in blood
glucose (such as the rise after a
meal) or to lower a high blood
glucose down to target range.
BOLUS HISTORY - This screen
displays the last 24 boluses
delivered by your pump.
Bolus Wizard
feature - Calculates
the bolus amount based on
personal information of the pump
Calibrate - Check, adjust, or set to
a standard (calibrate your pump).
Cannula - A short, thin, and flexible
tubing at the end of the infusion
set that is inserted into the
subcutaneous tissue to deliver
Carb ratio - (Carbohydrate ratio).
Used when counting
carbohydrates in grams. The
amount of carbohydrates covered
by one unit of insulin. (Also see
exch ratio.)
Carb units - The food entry when
using the Bolus Wizard feature.
Entered as (carbohydrate) grams
or exchanges.
Carbohydrate - One of the three
main sources of energy or calories
in food. Carbohydrates are mainly
sugars found in fruits, milk, and
starches that the body breaks
down into glucose.
CH - Carbohydrate
Contraindication - A condition that
makes a specific treatment or
procedure NOT advisable. A
contraindication is literally
contra- (against) an indication,
against something that is
indicated as advisable or
Correction bolus - The amount of
insulin needed to return a high
blood glucose level back down to
target range.
Daily totals - Shows the total insulin
delivered (basal and bolus) in the
last 24-hours. Maximum records:
14 days
Default - A setting or value for your
pump that is assigned
automatically by your system.
Some default settings cannot be
changed; other default settings
remain in effect until you change
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) - A
serious condition that occurs
when the insulin levels are low,
blood glucose level are elevated,
and the body uses fat for energy.
This process produces ketones
which upset the body's acid-base
balance leading to a potentially
life threatening situation.
DKA - Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Dual Wave™ bolus - Combination of
a Normal bolus that is delivered
immediately, then followed by a
Square Wave bolus. The Square
Wave portion is delivered evenly
over a period of time.
Duration - Amount of time it takes
to administer a bolus or basal
delivery. Also, length of time for
an action or condition.
Easy bolus™ - Method of delivery for
a Normal bolus using the Easy
Bolus button
Electromagnetic compatibility -
The condition that exists when
systems and devices that use
electromagnetic energy operate
properly without causing or
suffering accidental
electromagnetic interference to
or from other electromagnetic
Electrostatic discharge - The rapid,
spontaneous transfer of
electrostatic charge induced by a
high electrostatic field. The
charge usually flows through a
spark, known as static discharge,
between two objects at different
electrostatic levels as they
approach each other (for
example, when people touch
each other after dragging their
feet on a carpet).
160 Glossary