• Block feature is on
• Dual or Square Wave bolus delivery
• Basal pattern A or B is active
• Temporary basal delivery
• Alert Silence is active
Attention mode
CAUTION: When the pump is in Attention mode (showing a solid circle alarm), all insulin deliveries are stopped.
Indicates insulin delivery has stopped. This can mean that the pump is in
Suspend mode. It can also mean an alarm is active or an alarm condition exists
that needs immediate attention for insulin delivery to resume. A solid circle
appears at the top of the screen and the pump will beep periodically until either
the pump is taken out of Suspend mode or the condition is cleared. The screen will show text describing the condition
that put the pump in Attention mode. For example, if the reservoir is empty, EMPTY RESERVOIR will appear on the
When the pump is in Attention mode, it will beep/vibrate periodically to remind you of the condition. The beep/
vibrate frequency varies depending on the condition that put the pump in Attention mode. Refer to the Alarm
conditions section in the Troubleshooting and alarms chapter for alarm conditions that will trigger the Attention
mode. See the Stopping your pump section in the Basic programming chapter to learn about Suspend mode.
The MAIN MENU is the highest level menu. There are submenus, functions, status and programming screens in the
lower menu levels. The menus are described in the following paragraphs.
TIP: If a screen item is flashing (blinking), during programming, press or to change the value.
Highest menu level in the menu system. When you press ACT from the HOME screen, the MAIN MENU will appear.
32 The basics