b. Use the up and down arrow buttons to enter each of the six ID characters. Press ACT after each entry.
c. After you set the last character of the ID, the screen will return to the METER ID MENU.
Deleting meter IDs
a. Select Delete ID, then press ACT.
b. Select the meter ID that you want to delete and press ACT.
c. The selected ID is now deleted.
Reviewing meter IDs
a. Select Review ID, then press ACT.
b. The programmed IDs will show in the REVIEW METER ID screen.
Exit the menus when you are done.
Normal bolus using Bolus Wizard feature
After the Bolus Wizard feature is turned on and programmed, this feature can calculate an estimate of insulin you
need for your correction bolus and/or your food bolus. You have the option of using the estimate or changing it as
necessary. Additionally, your pump can receive your blood glucose reading from the meter, if they are linked.
Use the
button to deliver a Normal bolus at any time except during another Normal bolus. A Normal bolus will
temporarily interrupt a Square Wave or Dual Wave bolus that is delivering. After the Normal bolus is finished, the
Square Wave or Dual Wave bolus delivery will resume.
NOTE: If you want to use the pump-to-meter link, make sure the meter option is on. Refer to the Meter
option section in this chapter for instructions.
If you want a correction bolus, check your blood glucose with your blood glucose meter and go to step 2. If you
want to bolus for food, go to step 2.
Press on your pump, or go to the BOLUS MENU, select Use Bolus Wizard, and press ACT.
The ENTER BG screen will appear.
a. If you are NOT using the meter:
Enter your blood glucose value. Press ACT and continue to step 4.
Using the Bolus Wizard feature 79