The factory setting for this feature is Off. This is a safety feature that stops insulin delivery after a defined time
period (from 1 to 24 hours). If the pump detects that no buttons have been pressed for the selected amount of time
in Auto-off, insulin delivery will stop and an alarm will sound. You may choose to program this feature into your
pump based on the numbers of hours that you usually sleep at night. Discuss what uses and settings are best for you
with your healthcare professional.
Go to the AUTO OFF DURATION screen.
Main > Utilities > Alarm > Auto Off
Set the number of hours you want to set and press ACT.
If you do not want to use the Auto Off feature, make sure the hour is set to zero (0).
The screen will return to the ALARM MENU. The Auto Off feature is now set. Exit the menus.
LOW RESV WARNING (Low reservoir warning)
Allows you to program the pump to sound an alert before your reservoir is empty. You can select one of these
warning types:
• a specified number of units that remain in the reservoir
• a specified maximum amount of time that remains before the reservoir will be empty
The factory setting for this feature is 20 insulin units.
If you use TIME as the low reservoir warning type and you deliver large boluses, the actual time remaining could be
less than the warning time. The TIME low reservoir warning type is intended to let you know if you will have enough
insulin while you are sleeping.
Go to the RESV WARNING TYPE screen.
Main > Utilities > Alarm > Low Resv Warning
Select Insulin Units or Time and press ACT.
WARNING: When the pump detects a low reservoir condition during a bolus or prime delivery, the alert
will go off after the delivery is finished. Make sure to check the volume of your reservoir to ensure enough
insulin is available.
108 Utilities