Normal mode - Regular operating
mode. No special features are
active, no alert or alarm
conditions exist. Insulin delivery
is normal during this mode.
Normal bolus - An immediate
delivery of a specified unit
amount of insulin.
Now portion - The normal portion of
a Dual Wave bolus. The now
portion delivers immediately and
is then followed by the Square
Nutrition - The process by which the
body draws nutrients from food
and uses them to make or mend
Nutrition label - Used to determine
the nutritional content of foods,
as well as calories,
carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
vitamin and mineral content.
Nutritional content - The
breakdown of nutrients found in a
particular food.
Pattern feature - Extended pump
feature that allows you to
program optional basals (Pattern
A, Pattern B) that support
activities that are not a part of
your day-to-day routine, but are
usual in your lifestyle. Such
activities could be a sport that
you do once a week or a change
in your sleep pattern over the
Pattern, standard - Your normal
basal that supports your usual
day-to-day activity. When the
Patterns feature is off, the pump
uses your standard (basal)
Post-prandial reading - Blood
glucose reading taken after a
Press - To push and release a
Protein - One of the three main
sources of energy or calories in
food. Proteins are made of amino
acids, which are called the
building blocks of the cells. The
cells need proteins to grow and to
mend themselves. Protein is
found in many foods such as
meat, fish, poultry, and eggs.
PSI - Pound-force per square inch.
Pump S/N - Pump S/N is the serial
number of the pump currently in
Reservoir - The syringe that holds
Reset - To set again, or change the
information (reset your glucose
Resume - Restarts basal delivery
after the pump is suspended.
Rewind - The pump drive moves
back to its starting position to
prepare the pump for a new
RF - Radio frequency
Scroll - Press the up or down arrow
buttons to move through the
screen text.
Select - Pressing the up or down
arrow buttons to highlight a
desired screen item.
Sensitive - Easily irritated (sensitive
skin), or able to measure very
slight differences (a sensitive
Set - To enter or establish a value
for your pump (set your Basal
Set bolus - Selectable item
available in the BOLUS MENU
when the Bolus Wizard feature is
inactive. One method of
programming a bolus without the
Bolus Wizard feature. (See
Manual bolus.)
S/N# - Serial number.
Sodium - Is an essential element for
your body. As table salt, it is used
freely in foods as a flavor
enhancer and a preservative.
Sodium is listed on food labels
and is expressed in milligrams.
Special mode - Operating mode
that indicates one or more special
functions is active or a condition
exists that requires attention.
Square Wave™ bolus - Immediate
bolus delivered evenly over a
specified time period (30 minutes
to 8 hours).
Glossary 163