Maximum bolus limit
The maximum bolus (max bolus) is a safety feature that limits the amount of insulin that can be delivered in a single
bolus. The factory setting is 10.0 units. You can specify the limit from 0.0 to 25.0 units. It is important to discuss
this feature with your healthcare professional to determine your maximum bolus amount.
To set the maximum bolus limit, do these steps:
Go to the MAX BOLUS SETUP screen.
Main > Bolus > Max Bolus
Set your maximum bolus limit and press ACT.
Your maximum bolus is set. Exit the menus.
Example 1: Max bolus
Shelby takes very small doses of insulin for her meal boluses. As a safety limit, she and her healthcare professional
reset her pump with a maximum bolus of 5.0 units.
Example 2: Max bolus
David is a growing teenager. He loves to eat big meals and requires very large doses of insulin for his food. He
reset his pump with a maximum bolus of 35.0 units so he can take more insulin when he needs to.
BG reminder
After you deliver a bolus you may want to check your blood glucose. The BG Reminder is an optional feature that
makes the pump beep or vibrate to remind you to check your blood glucose after a bolus. However, this reminder
is not available after an Easy Bolus. Your pump is set at the factory with the BG Reminder feature turned off.
When setting a bolus, if the BG Reminder is on, your pump will ask you to set up the BG Reminder Duration. This
sets how long after bolus delivery you will be reminded to check your BG. This time can be from 30 minutes to 5
hours, or NONE. The BG Reminder is not available after an Easy Bolus.
Go to the BG REMINDER SETUP screen.
Main > Bolus > BG Reminder
Basic programming 43