Dual Wave bolus practice
Can you think of any meals where this feature would help you with blood glucose control?
Your target pre-meal blood glucose range is ______ to _______
Check your pre-meal blood glucose. Are you within your target? _____ If yes, continue. If no, try this test when
your pre-meal blood glucose is within your target range:
TEST: Choose a meal that has a combination of both rapidly absorbed and slowly absorbed carbohydrates.
Determine your meal bolus amount. Set the Dual Wave bolus to deliver the determined amount of insulin. Program
your pump to deliver one-half over 2-hours*, and the other half immediately.
(* This duration of time and ratio is an example. As always, consult with your healthcare professional for
Check blood glucose and record: Pre-meal________
1 hour post meal________
2 hours post meal________
3 hours post meal________
4 hours post meal________
Did your blood glucose return to your pre-meal target within 4 hours post meal? ________*
If yes, repeat this test with the same meal on another day to verify results.
If no, discuss this with your healthcare professional for guidance.
Using the Bolus Wizard feature for a Square Wave or Dual Wave bolus
If you are using the Bolus Wizard feature to calculate your Square Wave or Dual Wave bolus amounts, you will be
prompted to enter your blood glucose reading and/or the (gram or exchange) units you will eat. The Bolus Wizard
feature will use this input to calculate your suggested correction and/or food bolus amount. If you do not want to
use the Bolus Wizard feature estimate, you can change it.
The Bolus Wizard feature must be turned on and the settings must be programmed (see the How to program the
Bolus Wizard feature section of the Using the Bolus Wizard chapter). Also, make sure the dual/square option is
turned on (see the Turning on the Dual Wave/Square Wave option of this chapter).
If you want to use the pump-to-meter link, make sure the meter option is on. Refer to the Meter option section of
the Using the Bolus Wizard feature chapter for instructions.
Optimizing pump therapy 91