EEC3 System Manual
EEC3 System Manual
STEP 7: Threaded rod with ball joints are to be attached to head and
console at this point (see figure 13) (NOTE: Angle of 90 degrees is
best for most support).
STEP 8: Install control handle and key (where applicable) and tighten
set screw down to mark shaft. Fine alignment of handles may be
adjusted by shortening or lengthening threaded rod (see figure 14)
(NOTE: Shaft end play between handle and console should be less
than 1/8” [see figure 15]).
STEP 9: Remove set screw and handle and divot shaft using same
size drill as the set screw.
STEP 10: Reinstall control handle and use two set screws, on top of
each other.
Inside Console Bezel Mounting
STEP 1: To determine location of inside bezel mount, caution should be exercised to ensure proper placement of bezel
prior to cutting hole in the console (NOTE: This is determined by the clearance of the control head on the inside of the con-
STEP 2: Using the “inner bezel” as a template, trace the 1-1/4” center hole onto the inside wall of the console (see figure
STEP 3: Cut out the 1-1/4” center hole and drill (3) #10 starter holes being careful NOT to drill through the wall of the con-
STEP 4: Place inner bezel onto the outer bezel shaft and insert assembly into the 1-1/4” cutout hole. Tighten (3) #10 wood
screws into flange where indicated (see figure 17) (NOTE: make sure to use screw lengths that DO NOT exceed the thick-
ness of the console).
STEP 5: Bezel outside of console can now be marked flush so the
excess can be removed. This allows no bezel to be seen on outside
of console. Remove bezel from console. Remove red bushing from
inside of bezel and trim bezel.
STEP 6: Reinstall red bushing in bezel and insert bezel into hole in
console. Tighten (3) #10 wood screws into flange where indicated
(see figure 18) (NOTE: make sure to use screw lengths that DO NOT
exceed the thickness of the console).
STEP 7: Install the control head shaft into the flange assembly.
STEP 8: Establish the desired control head angle according to the
clearance in the console.
STEP 9: Threaded rod with ball joints are to be attached to head and
console at this point (NOTE: Angle of 90 degrees is best for most support) (see figure 19).
STEP 10: Install control handle and key (where applicable) and tighten set screw down to mark
shaft. Fine alignment of handles may be adjusted by shortening or lengthening threaded rod
(NOTE: Shaft end play between handle and console should be less than 1/8”) (see figure 20).
STEP 11: Remove set screw and handle and divot shaft using same size drill as the set screw.
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 18
Figure 20
Figure 19
Figure 16
Figure 17