[ Variables, Comments, System Control ]
Declaration and assignment of variable: declear, let
A variable that is valid only in point job data containing a declaration command and a user function
(customizing mode) is known as a “local variable”.
A local variable sets the type and identifier at declaration time. The identifier is the name of the
variable and type can be selected from either “numeric type” or “string type”.
Also, a local variable can be declared as an array of up to 3 dimensions.
The “let” command assigns a right side numeric value, the value of a variable, or the result of
calculation of an expression to the left side variable. When this command is input, only an
expression is displayed.
Command category
Set parameters
declear Type, identifier Local variable declaration
Variable, comment,
system control
Assigns the result of calculation of the right
side expression to the left side variable
e.g.) declear command
declear numeric abc
declear string def
Numeric variable “abc” declaration
String variable “def” declaration
e.g.) let command
count = 0
count = count + 1
count = in - out
total = nin * 365
tsuki = total / 12
fullname=name1 & name2
Assigns 0 to variable “count”
Loads 1 in variable “count”
Assigns the difference of the out value
subtracted from the in value into variable
Assigns the product of 365 multiplied by
the value of nin to variable “total”
Assigns the quotient of the value of total
divided by 12 to variable “tsuki”
Assigns the string connecting name1 and
name2 to variable “fullname”
Features II CARTESIAN Benchtop Robot