Diagnostic Utilities
96154 • Revision K Chapter 6 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 103
Event Monitors
Event monitors are setup to collect information about the library and the associated
devices when specific events occur. For example, mounting a cartridge on a drive can
be an event that causes an event monitor to track the number of reads on the drive.
Event monitors help service representatives to easily identify and resolve problems to
minimize unscheduled machine downtime.
Permanent monitors are predefined and built into the Library Console application.
These monitors are useful to quickly select an existing event monitor template to
capture the data associated with the event. For example, a service representative has to
resolve a problem with the tape drive in physical location (1,2,1,1,1) that has been
logging read errors. Diagnosis of this problem requires monitoring the different events
associated with the drive starting with the drive mount. The service representative
selects the permanent monitor designed to collect this information as soon as the event
occurs. The system starts displaying the different activities related to the event monitor.
Note – Using the Library Console, you an spool event data being monitored to a file.
FIGURE 6-1 Sample Permanent Report