
96154 Revision K Glossary 141
cartridge arrayAn array that holds multiple cartridges.
Product Name arrays contain 8, 13, or 14 slots, depending on their location.
cartridge biasLeft or right justification of a cartridge within a storage slot, CAP, or tape drive.
cartridge moverSee robot.
cartridge proximity
detectorA component that determines if a slot is empty or contains an unlabeled cartridge
during a label reading error recovery procedure. Synonymous with empty slot
CIM controllerThe module that houses the controls for the elevators, CAPs, turntables, and
service safety door.
cleaning cartridgeA cartridge that contains special material to clean the tape path in a tape drive.
CLICommand line interface.
cold swapRemoval and replacement of a system component (typically one such as a logic
board that has no redundant backup) after system operations have been stopped
and system power has been disabled. Contrast with hot swap.
CompactPCI (cPCI®)Industry standard bus used for card-to-card bus expansion.
cPCI®See CompactPCI.
customer interface
moduleThe front module of the SL8500 library at which the customer has access to the
touch screen operator panel and CAPs, and service personnel have access to the
library and service bay.
data cartridgeA term used to distinguish a cartridge onto which a tape drive may write data
from a cartridge used for cleaning or diagnostic purposes.
diagnostic cartridgeA data cartridge with a “DG” label that is used for diagnostic routines.
DLEData link escape.
drive and electronics
moduleThe module in an Product Name library that contains the electronics control
module, power distribution units (PDUs), power supplies, accessory racks and
equipment, and tape drives for the library.
drive array assemblyAn array that is installed in the drive and electronics module for mounting tape
drive tray assemblies. The drive and electronics module holds up to four array
assemblies, and each array holds up to 16 tape drive tray assemblies.
drive bayA partitioned section of the drive array assembly that holds one tape drive tray
drop-off slotsSlots used to hold a cartridge in the event of a robot failure that occurs while a
cartridge is in the robot hand.