Cartridge Address
96154 • Revision K Appendix A Cartridge Slot Locations 123
Within each LSM (rail) rows are numbered consecutively from the top down. These
start with 1 for the SL8500 and 0 for host.
SL8500 column numbers are referenced from the customer interface module, where +1
is right of the center of the drive bays and -1 is to the left of the drive bays. The host
software reports two columns for each cell storage panel (column 0 and 1)
The CAP behavior controlled by host software is as follows:
■ The CAPs service all the LSMs in the library.
■ CAPs span across three LSMs (1-3).
■ Each CAP has three magazines with 13 slots each. Each magazine is adjacent to a
separate rail, and can only be accessed by robots on that rail. There is no adjacent
section in the CAP for the top LSM (0), which requires pass-thru operations with the
■ When loading cartridges in the CAP, slots can be skipped or magazines missing.
■ There is no adjacent magazine section in the CAP for rail 1 (LSM 0), which requires
pass-thru operations with the elevator.
■ The CAP is treated as an independent component, and does not belong to any one
Examples of CAP Behavior:
■ A CAP can be online and operational even though the LSM (rail) identified in the
CAP ID is offline or not operational.
■ If an LSM is offline, the associated CAPs are not automatically offline.
■ If an LSM is online, the associated CAP is not automatically placed online.
■ Even if LSMs 1 through 3 are offline, CAPs can be used to enter/eject cartridges for
LSM 0.
Elevators are considered a type of pass-thru port. Each elevator has three logical pass-
thru connections per rail. Each rail can pass-thru to the other three rails.