
xxx StreamLine™ SL8500 Modular Library System User's Guide March 2007 Revision K 96154
1. Definitions: The following terms are defined as
a. “Derivative works” are defined as works based
upon one or more preexisting works, such as a
translation or a musical arrangement, or any
other form in which a work may be recast,
transformed, or adapted. A work consisting of
editorial revision, annotations, elaboration, or
other modifications which, as a whole, represent
an original work of authorship, is a Derivative
b. “Internal Code” is Microcode that (i) is an
integral part of Equipment, (ii) is required by
such Equipment to perform its data storage and
retrieval functions, and (iii) executes below the
user interface of such Equipment. Internal code
does not include other Microcode or software,
including data files, which may reside or execute
in or be used by or in connection with such
Equipment, including, without limitation,
Maintenance Code.
c. “Maintenance Code” is defined as Microcode and
other software, including data files, which may
reside or execute in or be used by or in
connection with Equipment, and which detects,
records, displays, and/or analyzes malfunctions
in the Equipment.
d.“Microcode” is defined as a set of instructions
(software) that is either imbedded into or is to be
loaded into the Equipment and executes below
the external user interface of such Equipment.
Microcode includes both Internal Code and
Maintenance Code, and may be in magnetic or
other storage media, integrated circuitry, or other
2. The Equipment you have acquired by purchase or
lease is manufactured by or for StorageTek and
contains Microcode. By accepting and operating this
Equipment, you acknowledge that StorageTek or its
licensor(s) retain(s) ownership of all Microcode, as
well as all copies thereof, that may execute in or be
used in the operation or servicing of the Equipment
and that such Microcode is copyrighted by
StorageTek or its licensor(s).
3. StorageTek hereby grants you, the end user of the
Equipment, a personal, nontransferable (except as
permitted in the transfer terms below),
nonexclusive license to use each copy of the Internal
Code (or any replacement provided by StorageTek
or your authorized StorageTek distributor or
reseller) which license authorizes you, the end user,
to execute the Internal Code solely to enable the
specific unit of Equipment for which the copy of
Internal Code is provided to perform its data
storage and retrieval functions in accordance with
StorageTek’s (or its licensor’s) official published
4. Your license is limited to the use of the Internal
Code as set forth above. You may not use the
Internal Code for any other purpose. You may not,
for example, do any of the following:
(i) access, copy, display, print, adapt, alter, modify,
patch, prepare Derivative works of, transfer, or
distribute (electronically or otherwise) or otherwise
use the Internal Code;
(ii) reverse assemble, decode, translate, decompile,
or otherwise reverse engineer the Internal Code
(except as decompilation may be expressly
permitted under applicable European law solely for
the purpose of gaining information that will allow
interoperability when such information is not
otherwise readily available); or
(iii) sublicense, assign, or lease the Internal Code or
permit another person to use such Internal Code, or
any copy of it.
If you need a backup or archival copy of the
Internal Code, StorageTek, or your authorized
StorageTek distributor or reseller, will make one
available to you, it being acknowledged and agreed
that you have no right to make such a copy.