
96154 Revision K 107
Obtaining Maintenance Support
This chapter describes what to do if problems occur with the tape library. In some cases,
you might be able to correct the problem. In other cases, you must contact your service
representative, as described in this chapter.
When the problem is caused by cartridge tapes, see Chapter 5, “Cartridge Information”.
When the problem is caused by cartridge tape drives, refer to your tape drive
operator’s guide.
Remote Support
StorageTek Customer Service Representatives are available to assist you and the
customer with hardware and software problem resolution. During the initial order and
installation planning, make sure that you inform the customer about StorageTek's local
and remote support.
Service Delivery Platform
The Service Delivery Platform (SDP) is the preferred remote support solution for the
SL8500 library. SDP is a software application for providing sophisticated remote
support of storage hardware devices. The software resides on an intelligent appliance at
your site, providing a secure connection between your StorageTek products and a
server located within the StorageTek IT data center. The SDP software monitors your
devices and automatically alerts StorageTek when it finds a problem. It also enables
remote resolution for problems that do not require physical intervention at the site.
Through a secure, Internet/VPN-based communication link that is enabled by a
StorageTek-supplied VPN router and your Internet access and connectivity, the SDP is
designed to collect device events on a 24 x 7 x 365 basis. In the event of a device failure,
the SDP intelligent appliance and the software application capture device logs and
other pertinent diagnostic data that can help determine the reason for device failure.
The robust SDP security architecture is designed for strict data privacy. The software
uses 128-bit encrypted Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for data transmission and
additional secure data gathering procedures for specific technical issues.
To obtain the SDP Analyst client application contact your service representative.