140 StreamLine™ SL8500 Modular Library System User's Guide • March 2007 Revision K • 96154
Automated Cartridge
System Library Software
(ACSLS)Software that manages ACS library contents and controls ACS library hardware to
mount and dismount cartridges on ACS drives.
automation bezelA tape drive attachment with a locator target for positioning gets and puts to the
tape drive.
away libraryIn a library complex of two or more libraries connected by PTPs, the library on the
left side of home library (from the front of the libraries).
backplaneThe main circuit board inside electronic equipment that contains the central
processing unit, the bus, memory sockets, expansion slots, and other components.
bar-code line scan
cameraA component of the robot that is used for cartridge identification and position
blind mate connectorA connector that allows hot plugging instead of manually placing a cable between
two fixed connectors.
bulk loadManually loading cartridges into the library, for example, during library
cameraIn a StreamLine library, one of two types:
■ The bar-code line scanner that is part of the robot hand assembly.
■ The two LibCam monitoring cameras that display activity inside the
library on the touch screen operator control panel.
CAPSee cartridge access port.
cardSynonymous with printed wire assembly (PWA).
cartridgeA container holding magnetic tape that can be processed without separating the
tape from the container.
The library uses data, diagnostic, and cleaning cartridges. These cartridges are not
cartridge access port
(CAP)A device in the library that allows an operator to insert or remove cartridges
during library operations.
Synonymous with import/export mail slot in SCSI and open system libraries.
See also unlocked.