
Library Management Software
44 StreamLine™ SL8500 Modular Library System User's Guide March 2007 Revision K 96154
Intercept mount and dismount messages
Receive requests from the interface and translates them into commands
HSC resides within the MVS host, but is invisible to the actual operating system.
Versions of HSC that support library complex operation are:
HSC 6.0 (with additional PTFs) or higher
HSC 6.1 with Near Continuous Operation (NCO)
Caution – For customers using HSC 6.1 with NCO: Upgrading the library complex
configuration without performing a LIBGEN, MERGEcds, or stopping/restarting HSC
is possible, but this requires assistance from Sun.
LibraryStation provides a communications interface between HSC and a client system
running an open systems host (either MVS or open systems), allowing network clients
to access the library services of a Sun Automated Cartridge System (ACS) through the
MVS host system. LibraryStation can communicate with the MVS/CSC in an MVS-only
environment, or the SMC and the Sun StorageTek HTTP server can provide
communication between MVS hosts. LibraryStation executes in the HSC address space
on MVS.
Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS)
ACSLS is a software package that manages library contents and controls library
hardware for the mounting and dismounting of cartridges.
Note – ACSLS 7.1 (with PUT0601, for Near Continuous Operation) or higher is
required to support PTP and T10000 tape drive operation.
This application maintains a database that tracks tape volume names and their current
locations in the tape libraries. In CSC configurations, ACSLS manages the library
control software that runs in the UNIX-based Library Control System.
Note – The ACSLS application is sold to support a defined number of cartridge slots.