Library Management Software
96154 • Revision K Chapter 3 Host to Library Communications 43
Note – The same Sun StorageTek library management software currently used by the
customer today can be upgraded to support the SL8500 library.
Nearline Control Solutions
Some of the Sun suite of Nearline Control Solutions (NCS) software products are
described in the sections below.
Client System Component
MVS/CSC provides client functions and communications between an MVS host and the
Library Control System (LCS) or server on a non-MVS host. MVS/CSC allows the MVS
client to perform automatic tape handling on a Sun library in addition to sharing
multiple host systems (both IBM and non-IBM).
The MVS/CSC can communicate with LibraryStation in an MVS-only environment, or
the SMC and the Sun StorageTek HTTP server can provide communication between
MVS hosts.
Storage Management Component
Storage Management Component (SMC) is the interface between IBM’s OS/390 and
z/OS operating systems and a Sun library. SMC performs the allocation processing,
message handling, and SMS processing for the NCS solution. SMC resides on the MVS
host system with HSC and/or MVS/CSC, or on a remote system using the Sun
StorageTek HTTP server to communicate with the HSC. SMC communicates with HSC
or MVS/CSC to determine policies, volume locations, and drive ownership.
Note – SMC is a required NCS component.
Sun StorageTek HTTP Server
Sun StorageTek’s HTTP Server for OS/390 and z/OS optionally provides the
middleware to allow communication between the SMC (client) and a remote HSC
subsystem (server). The HTTP server executes as a separate subsystem on the MVS host
where the remote HSC subsystem resides.
Host Software Component
When an SL8500 library is in a stand-alone configuration with an MVS host, the host
must run a version of Sun’s Host Software Component (HSC) along with the Storage
Management Component (SMC).
Sun’s HSC and SMC:
■ Influence allocations