Parameter Description
Name of the virtual disk for which to start the
formatting. You must put brackets ([ ]) around the
virtual disk name. If the virtual disk name has
special characters, you must also put quotation
marks (" ") around the virtual disk name.
Stop Configuration Database Diagnostic
This command stops the diagnostic test to validate the configuration database in the RAID controller
module firmware that was started by the start storageArray configDbDiagnostic command.
Stop storageArray configDbDiagnostic
NOTE: The RAID controller module firmware returns a confirmation that the diagnostic test was
cancelled. In addition, the database configuration diagnostic test can be started through the storage
management software GUI but cannot be stopped through the storage management software GUI.
If you want to stop a running diagnostic test, you must use the stop storageArray
configDbDiagnostic command.
Stop Consistency Group Snapshot Rollback
This command stops a rollback operation to the member base virtual disks in a snapshot consistency
group that was initiated by the start rollback cgSnap command.
NOTE: Canceling a consistency group snapshot rollback operation leaves the base virtual disk in an
indeterminate state with potentially invalid or inconsistent data. The related consistency group
snapshot virtual disk becomes disabled and unusable.
stop cgSnapImage ["snapCGID:imageID"] | rollback [memberVirtualDiskSet
["memberVirtualDiskName1' ... "memberVirtualDiskNamen"] ]