276 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised January 2007
When the -v option is specified, the following types of information are displayed
as XSB detail status information:
Conf Incorporation state of XSB hardware resources into the operating
n The resources are not connected to the
operating system.
y The resources are incorporated in the
operating system.
Test Status of an initial diagnosis on an XSB
Unmount The XSB cannot be recognized because it is
not mounted or because it has an error.
Unknown Not performed.
Testing The initial diagnosis is in progress.
Passed The initial diagnosis ended normally.
Failed Error (test=fail) detected by an initial
diagnosis. The XSB cannot be used or is in a
degraded state.
Fault XSB degradation status
Normal Normal
Degraded Component in a degraded state. The XSB
can operate.
Faulted An error occurred and the XSB cannot
R Dynamic reconfiguration(DR) involving the reservation state of
the XSB in the domain
* DR processing is reserved. When the domain
is rebooted, the XSB is incorporated into or
disconnected from the domain, and the
domain configuration is changed.
Cod Whether the XSB is a COD board
n The XSB is not a COD board.
y The XSB is a COD board.