Fujitsu M5000 Life Jacket User Manual

354 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual Last Revised January 2007
Date: Log collection date and time (month day hour:minute:second
time-zone year)
The displayed time is the local time.
Message: Event message
Switch: Status of the mode switch of the operator panel
One of the following states are displayed:
Locked Normal operation mode
Service Service mode
RCIaddr: Remote Cabinet Interface (RCI) address
If RCI is supported, the RCI address is displayed as an eight-digit
hexadecimal number.
Code: Detailed event information
The displayed information is in hexadecimal format
Date Temperature Humidity Power
Mar 30 17:45:31 JST 2005 32.56(C) 60.20% System Power On
Mar 30 17:55:31 JST 2005 32.56(C) 60.25% System Power Off
Date: Log collection date and time (month day hour:minute:second
time-zone year)
The displayed time is the local time.