296 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised March 2008
LSB LSB number. The displayed number is an integer ranging from 00
to 15.
XSB XSB number corresponding to the LSB. The displayed number
has the following format:
x An integer from 00–15.
y An integer from 0–3.
Status Domain status. One of the following status is displayed.
Additional information may be displayed.
Powered Off
Power is off.
Panic State
A panic occurred, and the domain is in the reset state.
Shutdown Started
The power-off process is starting.
Initialization Phase
OpenBoot PROM initialization is in progress.
OpenBoot Executing Completed
The system is in the OpenBoot PROM (ok prompt) state.
Booting/OpenBoot PROM prompt
The operating system is booting. Or due to the domain shutdown or
reset, the system is in the OpenBoot PROM running state or is
suspended in the OpenBoot PROM (ok prompt) state.
The operating system is running.