2.3 Input/Output Sentences
Input sentences
Output sentences
Sentence Data Remarks
BWC Range/bearing to waypoint
GGA Time, position GPS position
GLC GRI, Time difference Loran C
GLL Latitude and longitude GPS position
GNS GNSS position fixing
GTD Time difference Loran C
HDG Ship's heading, deviation, variation
HDT True heading
MDA Weather information
MTW Water temperature
MWV Wind direction, wind speed (true or apparent)
RMA Latitude and longitude, TD, ground speed and course Loran C
RMB Recommended minimum navigation information
RMC Latitude and longitude, speed over ground and course over ground GPS
VHW True/magnetic bearing, speed through water
VTG Speed over ground and course over ground
XTE Cross track error
Sentence Data Remarks
DBT Depth below transducer Ver. 1.5
DPT Depth below transducer and offset Ver. 2.0
MTW Water temperature
With connection of water
temperature sensor
TLL Marker line position Ver. 2.0
SDmrk Mark position (L&L) and its additional data
VHW Speed thru water
RMB Navigation information Ver. 1.5
DBS Depth below sea surface