The X-70A 3D has a built-in simulator for the 3D display. When this simu-
lator is turned on, a realistic 3D view scrolls across the screen. The digital
depth display shows the simulated bottom depth, and fish symbols ap-
pear on the display.
Do not use the simulator when navigating!
To turn the 3D simulator on, press the MENU key four times. Now press
the key next to the “3D Simulator” label to move the check mark from the
“OFF” box to the “ON” box. If you return to the 3D screen, the simulator
will be in operation.
To turn the 3D simulator off, press the MENU key four times. Now press
the key next to the “3D Simulator” label to move the check mark from the
“ON” box to the “OFF” box. If you return to the 3D screen, the simulator
will be off.
The X-70A 3D displays mark-
ers on the screen, showing the
approximate distance echoes
are behind the boat. (This re-
quires an optional speed/tem-
perature sensor.) When the
unit is turned on, the markers
are automatically displayed if
the speed/temp sensor is
plugged in. If you wish to turn
the markers off, press the
MENU key four times, then
press the key next to the "3D
Distance Markers until the check mark moves to the "OFF" box. Press the
CLR key to exit.